Ortega, Arnisson Andre C.
Assistant Professor V
(632) 929-1770 | (632) 981-8500 loc 2477 
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Room 236, 2/F Palma Hall 
Arnisson Andre Ortega
Selected publications
Ortega, A. A. (2016). Neoliberalizing Spaces in the Philippines: Suburbanization, Transnational Migration, and Dispossession. Rowman & Littlefield.
Ortega, A. A. C. (2016). Manila’s metropolitan landscape of gentrification: global urban development, accumulation by dispossession & neoliberal warfare against informality. Geoforum, 70, 35-50.
Ortega, A. A., Acielo, J. M. A. E., & Hermida, M. C. H. (2015). Mega-regions in the Philippines: Accounting for special economic zones and global-local dynamics. Cities, 48, 130-139.
Ortega, A. A. C. (2014). Mapping Manila's Mega-Urban Region: A spatio-demographic accounting using small-area census data. Asian Population Studies, 10(2), 208-235.
Ortega, A. A. C. (2012). Desakota and beyond: neoliberal production of suburban space in Manila's fringe. Urban Geography, 33(8), 1118-1143.