YAFS5 Public Use Files

The Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study (YAFS) series prides itself as the Philippines’ largest series of nationally and regionally representative, cross-sectional surveys on the 15-24 age group. It has provided comprehensive and timely information on Filipino adolescents and young adults, specifically on issues related to sexuality, fertility, reproductive health, education, and employment aspirations and trajectories, health and lifestyle, media use, mental health, as well as their attitudes on marriage, family formation, and norms, among others.
The YAFS5 is the fifth round in the series.
The public use files (PUF) for YAFS5 includes the following data files:
- Household and housing characteristics
- All person
- Individual
- Pregnancy
- Child
The YAFS5 PUF can be requested through the Philippine Population Data Archive (PopArchive). Aside from the PopArchive requirements, data users must fill out a separate Data User's Agreement with the YAFS5 Project.
To avoid duplication of topics for research, prospective researchers who intend to use the YAFS5 data should refer to the list of published and working papers provided here.