Dr. Philip F. Kelly
Professor, Department of Geography
York University
Dr. Kelly is Principal Investigator of the Canada-Philippines Alternative Transnational Economies Project, an ongoing research based at the York Centre for Asian Research at York University, Toronto. The research looks into “…transnational economic practices that fall outside either the mainstream economy of corporate trade and investment or the private flows of remittances between family members…linkages that depend on the social networks created by migration and which generate or promote collectivized or non-monetized forms of well-being” (http://ate.apps01.yorku.ca/). The collaborative research endeavor counts two UP Population Institute alumni namely Dr. Marla Asis of the Scalabrini Migration Centre and Dr. Andre Ortega, Assistant Professor at the UPPI.
On December 6, 2016, Dr. Kelly presented a public lecture at the UPPI entitled Migration and alternative economies: Non-capitalist practices and imaginaries between Canada and The Philippines.