What is PopArchive?
The Philippine Population Data Archive is a data management system that preserves important Philippine datasets on population and other related topics and enables researchers, practitioners, planners and policymakers to have access to these datasets. It encourages secondary analysis of these data by providing machine-readable data with accompanying documentation in standardized format and providing easy reference to variables available in survey data.
What data sets are in the PopArchive inventory?
- Census of Population and Housing (CPH), 1970, 1980, 1990
- Contraceptive Prevalence Survey (CPS), 1986
- National Demographic Survey (NDS), 1968-1988
- National Migration Survey (NMS), 2018
- Philippine Study of Aging (PSOA), 2007
- Philippine Elderly Survey (PES), 2000
- Safe Motherhood Survey (SMS), 1993
- Status of Women and Fertility Survey (SWAFS), 1993
- Survey on the Socioeconomic Consequences of the Ageing of Population, 1984
- Young Adult Fertility Survey (YAFS), 1982, 1994, 2002, 2013, 2021
Access to these data sets are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and we reserve the right to decline requests.
How do I acquire data from the PopArchive?
- Download and fill out the Data User Information and Request Form.
- Please make sure to provide an abstract or summary of the proposed research/study. For academic requirements, please have your adviser/instructor endorse your request.
- Review and agree to the Data Use Terms and Conditions.
- Email (Subject: PopArchive Data Request) filled out forms to poparchive.upd@up.edu.ph.
- Download and fill out the Data User Information and Request Form.
How much do I pay for the data?
The data will be provided FREE OF CHARGE as long as the data user agrees to abide by the Data Use Terms and Conditions.
What are the Data Use Terms and Conditions?
This authorization to use the requested dataset shall apply only to the specific request being made and to the DATA USER. Under no circumstances shall he/she pass the entire dataset or any part thereof to any other user. The PopArchive shall hold the DATA USER fully responsible for safeguarding the dataset from unauthorized access or use.
Any paper, report, thesis, dissertation, or other documents, published or otherwise, emanating from the use of the dataset as specified in the request shall give appropriate acknowledgement to the PopArchive, as follows:
“This study uses data from the Philippine Population Data Archive of the University of the Philippines Population Institute (UPPI) and the Demographic Research and Development Foundation, Inc. (DRDF).”
The DATA USER shall furnish the PopArchive with electronic copy and, preferably, hard copy of all papers, reports, theses, dissertations, and other documents, published or otherwise, emanating from the specified research, as soon as these are available.