The Master in Population Studies (MPOPS) is a non-thesis program that aims to meet the need for population practitioners with a strong grounding in the theory and methods of demography and the ability to critically analyze the interrelationship between population factors and development in its various ramifications, from an interdisciplinary perspective.
The MPOPS curriculum consists of 32 units of course work and a comprehensive examination. Students are also required to prepare a pre-print research paper as a prerequisite to graduation.
At the end of the program, MPOPS graduates are expected to:
- Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the theory and methods of demography in the analysis of complex population situations;
- Critically analyze the interrelationship between population factors and development in its various ramifications, from an interdisciplinary perspective; and
- Design and conduct high-level quality research on population-related topics and contribute to the formulation of policies and programs for development.
Core and Cognate Courses
Core courses offered by UPPI
Course | Title | Description |
DEMO 210 | Theory and Methods of Demography | Theoretical and empirical analyses of trends, levels and determinants of fertility, mortality, migration and other demographic processes, emphasizing the utilization and interpretation of demographic measures.
DEMO 211 | Techniques of Demographic Analysis I | Demographic data sources, evaluation, and use. Analysis of population composition. Methods of measuring levels, trends and differentials of mortality, nuptiality, fertility, migration and distribution. Procedures for deriving population change & distribution.
DEMO 225 | Statistical Analysis of Population and Related Survey Data Using Statistical Software Packages | Univariate and bivariate statistical analyses of survey data for the study of population and related processes using statistical software packages.
DEMO 240 | Population Policies and Programs | Review of policies and programs directly or indirectly affecting population. Linkage of empirical findings with activities aimed at formulating specific policies, plans and programs.
DEMO 297.1 | Seminar in Population and Development I | Theoretical and methodological developments in the analysis of interrelationships of population, resources and environment.
DEMO 297.2 | Seminar in Population and Development II | Theoretical and methodological developments in the understanding of interrelationships of population, reproductive health, sexuality, epidemiologic transition, aging and other population related issues and concerns.
DEMO 298 | Applied Population Research | Applied research in population issues.
Core course offered by CSSP
Course | Title | Description |
SOC SCI 201 | Statistics for the Social Sciences | Application of statistical techniques to social science research.
Cognate courses offered by UPPI
Course | Title | Description |
DEMO 220 | Demography of Asia and the Pacific | Trends of population growth and prospects of future growth in the Asian and the Pacific region. Population dynamics and interrelationships with development.
DEMO 221 | Population Growth and Economic Development | Analysis of factors involved in the economic development of nations with particular reference to population change.
DEMO 223 | Demographic Aspects of the Work Force | Analysis of the work force: the different approaches used in studying it. Trends and patterns of work force composition in developing and developed economies. Relation of the work force to other socio-economic variables like education, urbanization and fertility.
DEMO 226 | Advanced Statistical Analysis for Population and Related Processes Using Statistical Software Packages | Multivariate statistical techniques for analyses of population and related processes using statistical software packages.
DEMO 241 | Emerging Issues in Population | Analysis of socio-economic demographic interrelationships brought about by recent demographic changes in the trends and patterns of fertility, mortality, migration and nuptiality.
Special topics in Demography
Course | Title | Description |
DEMO 295.1 | Special Topics in Demography: Analysis of Nuptiality and Family Formation |
DEMO 295.2 | Special Topics in Demography: Analysis of Population Spatial Distribution |
DEMO 295.3 | Special Topics in Demography: Family Planning Program Evaluation |
DEMO 295.4 | Special Topics in Demography: Analysis of Mortality |
DEMO 295.5 | Special Topics in Demography: Techniques of Population Projection |