Posted on: 17 November 2016
The Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality (YAFS) Study is a series of national surveys on the Filipino youth, conducted since 1982 by the University of the Philippines Population Institute (UPPI) and the Demographic Research and Development Foundation (DRDF). Gathering data from Filipino youth aged 15 to 24, YAFS is one of the primary sources of information on sexual and non-sexual risk behaviors and its determinants in the Philippines, at the national and regional levels. YAFS covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to this age group such as education trajectories, labor force participation, relationships and roles in society, values and attitudes, in addition to the risk behaviors. Findings from the YAFS series have been widely used in education and health and had provided the evidence base for health programs for young people by government and non-government organizations nationwide.
The latest round to be completed was the fourth Young Adult Fertility & Sexuality (YAFS4) survey conducted in 2013. It contains the same basic data gathered in previous rounds, the last of which was conducted in 2002. In addition, YAFS 4 has also expanded its range of topics as well as added new questions to previously existing topics. It has a new topic on Health and Lifestyle (including a short depression scale). The topic on Media has been expanded to include the new forms of communication technologies that were not yet well-developed in 2002 such as social media, cellphone use and cyberbullying.
For this survey round, dissemination activities were conducted across the country for the whole year of 2014. Here is the full list of dissemination schedules and corresponding presentations for download in pdf format. full list of dissemination schedules and corresponding presentations for download in pdf format.

Dr. Arnisson Andre Ortega, Assistant Professor at the University of the Philippines Population Institute recently presented outputs of his research on peri-urban regions in Manila in a brown bag lecture at the John A. Burns Hall, Room 3012, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii on Jun 23 2016.
This is the link to his recently concluded lecture at the East-West Center.