Ms. Bernice Kuang
In line with one of the UP Population Institute’s (UPPI) missions- ‘’to pursue a program of research on population that gives emphasis both to emerging technical developments in demography and to research areas significant for planning and program management purposes” the Institute has been engaging in collaborative research with other scholars in the field. Lately, it has agreed to host a Ph.D. student from the University of Southampton in the UK for seven weeks from February 1- March 18, 2016.
Ms. Bernice Kuang is doing doctoral research under Southampton’s Social Statistics and Demography program focusing on nuptiality and partnerships. In September 2015, she visited the UPPI for a possible research collaboration which led to her Visiting Research Fellowship. During her fellowship at the UPPI, she will be gathering data from focus groups and presenting her initial findings to the Institute. In return, the UPPI will assist in data collection and provide office space and access to facilities she needs for her research. While at UPPI, she is being supervised by Associate Professor Maria Midea M. Kabamalan.
Ms. Kuang presented findings from her research during the 2016 Philippine Population Association (PPA) Annual Scientific Conference in Vigan, Ilocos Sur. While doing her PhD research in the Philippines, she is also assisting the Population Commission (POPCOM) for the USAID Health Policy Project being conducted by the Futures Group.