Josefina V. Cabigon Memorial Scholarship for MA Demography and Population Studies at UPPI

Dr. Josefina V. Cabigon
The UP Population Institute (UPPI) is pleased to announce the launching of the “Josefina V. Cabigon Memorial Scholarship” starting first semester, AY 2020-2021. The scholarship is open to new and continuing graduate students enrolled in the MA Demography and Master in Population Studies at UPPI. Preference is given to scholars who are financially in need and who are committed to public service.
The “Josefina V. Cabigon Memorial Scholarship” is being sponsored by the family of Dr. Josefina V. Cabigon, a former professor at the UPPI and its 5th Director (1999-2002).
Interested applicants may read the scholarship guidelines posted below.
Apply now!
Guidelines for the Josefina V. Cabigon Memorial Scholarship
The funding support per semester for the full scholarship is as follows:
- Tuition fee;
- Monthly stipend of P10,000, i.e. September to December for the 1st semester and January to May for the 2nd semester;
- P1,000 book allowance per semester.
- Applicants for the scholarship must satisfy the following requirements for admission into the M.A. Demography (MADEM)/Master in Population Studies (MPOPS) program:
- 35 years of age or younger at time of interview;
- Of good moral character;
- Must display a high level of interest and intention to work as a demographer, whether as researcher, teacher, or planner/implementer of population-related programs/activities, upon completion of the degree.
- The UPPI faculty members shall select scholars from among a list of qualified applicants on the basis of:
- A weighted average of grades not lower than 2.0 for courses leading to a baccalaureate degree as attested to by the official Transcript of Records (TOR) issued by recognized colleges or universities;
- Institutional affiliation, loyalty and exposure;
- Applicant’s commitment and dedication to present job
- Definite plan of the institution for the applicant
- Applicant’s clear statement of intention for course study, career path and other intentions.
- The UPPI faculty shall review the academic progress of the scholars and shall determine their eligibility to continue to receive scholarship grants for the next semester based on their past semester’s academic performance (i.e., a grade of 2.0 or better in each course taken per semester), and their compliance with the scholarship conditions stipulated in ANNEX C.
The full scholarship to be awarded shall be determined by the following conditions:
- Must enroll in the M.A. Demography Program (MADEM) Plan A or Master in Population Studies (MPOPS);
- Must not engage in any type of work while enrolled as a full-time student and if employed and not resigned, must be on official leave of absence for purposes of the study;
- Must not be a recipient of other scholarship/fellowship grants;
- Must maintain a grade of 2.00 or better (i.e. less than 2.0) in all courses and must not have any incomplete grade for renewal of the scholarship for the next semester;
- Must execute a scholarship contract and file a corresponding surety ship agreement;
- Must complete the M.A. Demography (MADEM)/Master in Population Studies (MPOPS) degree within five years of maximum residence.
- All MADEM grantees are required to enroll in Section A courses (e.g Demo 211, Demo 210, Demo 212) while MPOPS grantees are required to take Section B courses.
- After completion of their MADEM/MPOPS degrees, all grantees on study leave shall render service to the country, preferably at the sending institution/region, i.e., 2 years
for scholars in MPOPS and 4 years for scholars in MA Demography. For grantees without institutional affiliations, they shall, to the extent possible, seek employment in the country in line with the UPPI objective of promoting the discipline of demography.
- When a scholar has officially notified the UPPI Academic Program Coordinator of his/her intention to shift from MA Demography, Plan A (Thesis Program)/MPOPS to MA Demography, Plan B (Non-Thesis Program) at any time after his/her first year of studies, his/her scholarship will be terminated effective on the month of his/her filing such notification. In addition, the scholar shall refund to UPPI all scholarship expenses for his/her second year of graduate studies (including but not limited to tuition, stipend, book allowance), provided he/she pursues MA Demography, Plan B and finishes the degree within the duly instituted maximum residency rule of the University, i.e., 5 years. Otherwise, he/she shall refund ALL scholarship expenses to UPPI as stipulated in the SCHOLARSHIP AGREEMENT.
- When a scholar has officially notified the UPPI Academic Program Coordinator of his/her intention to shift from MA Demography, Plan A to Plan B at any time within his/her first year of studies, his/her scholarship will be terminated effective on the month of his/her filing of such notification. The scholar shall not refund to UPPI all scholarship expenses for his/her first year of graduate studies (including but not limited to tuition, stipend, book allowance) provided he/she pursues MA Demography, Plan B and finishes the degree within the duly instituted maximum residency rule of the University, i.e., 5 years. Otherwise, he/she shall refund ALL scholarship expenses to UPPI as stipulated in the SCHOLARSHIP AGREEMENT.
- Scholars are expected to enroll every semester, except in cases of approved Leave of Absence (LOA). When a scholar does not enroll in any semester after the conferment of his/her scholarship and he/she did not file an official Leave of Absence (LOA) from the University, his/her scholarship will be terminated effective on the month he/she is supposed to register. The UPPI scholar shall not refund to UPPI all scholarship expenses for his/her first year of graduate studies (including but not limited to tuition stipend, book allowance) provided he/she pursues MA Demography, Plan B and finishes the degree within the duly instituted maximum residency rule of the University, i.e., 5 years. Otherwise, he/she shall refund ALL scholarship expenses to UPPI as stipulated in the SCHOLARSHIP AGREEMENT.
- When a scholar has failing grades, his/her scholarship will be terminated effective on the first month of the next semester. The scholar shall not refund to UPPI all scholarship expenses for his/her first year of graduate studies (including but not limited to tuition stipend, book allowance) provided he/she pursues MA Demography, Plan B and finishes the degree within the duly instituted maximum residency rule of the University, i.e., 5 years. Otherwise, he/she shall refund ALL scholarship expenses to UPPI as stipulated in the SCHOLARSHIP AGREEMENT.
- When a UPPI scholar decides to discontinue/drop out from the MA Demography/MPOPS program, his/her scholarship will be terminated effective on the month he/she has filed an intention to do so. He/she shall refund to UPPI all scholarship expenses for his/her graduate studies (including but not limited to tuition stipend, book allowance) as stipulated in the SCHOLARSHIP AGREEMENT.