2022 PPA Scientific Virtual Conference
The Philippine Population Association is pleased to announce its 2022 Virtual Scientific Conference on March 30-31, 2022. This virtual conference will focus on the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on the main demographic processes of mortality, fertility, and migration.
The theme for this year’s conference is: Dealing with the "New Normal": Understanding COVID 19 through a demographic lens.
This conference will provide a venue for discussion on how demography shaped the COVID-19 pandemic, and how the demographic lenses would provide a better understanding of the COVID-19 situation and policy implications.
We welcome papers from both PPA and non-PPA members. We encourage submission from international scholars whose research interests include the Philippines. Papers may be submitted to any of the following subthemes:
- Theme 1: Demographic processes and COVID-19 pandemic
- Theme 2: COVID-19 and its population impact and consequences
- Theme 3: COVID 19 and population policy directions
- Theme 4: COVID-19 and conducting demographic research
Papers to be presented at the PPA Conference must have neither been published nor presented in any other local conference or forum. The focus of research should be on the Philippines however, inter-country research is also considered as long as the Philippines is included in the comparative analysis.
Panel submissions with a maximum of four papers per panel are also encouraged. Abstracts for poster presentations are also considered. The Scientific Conference Committee will evaluate the scientific quality of the submitted abstracts and select papers and posters for the conference presentation.
Abstracts and/or panel proposals must be submitted through https://bit.ly/2022-PPA-Conference.
The conference registration form may be accessed through https://bit.ly/2022-PPA-Conference-Reg.
Conference fee: Php 500.00
Payments can be deposited to PPA’s Metrobank Account No. 0933093519010 and a copy of the deposit slip must be sent to PPA (ppaconference@gmail.com) OR attached to the conference registration form.
Deadline of abstract and/or panel proposals: February 15, 2022.
Accepted papers/posters will be notified no later than March 1, 2022.
Deadline of conference fee: March 15, 2022.
On behalf of the Scientific Organizing Committee,
PPA Secretariat
